Tim Rundall’s best of show carving.

Tim Rundall owns and operates The Woodchip Shop woodcarving store.
Tim brings a lot of woodcarving tools and supplies and sets up shop every year at our show. In the picture above Tim helps out a customer at our 2007 show.

Barry McKenzie, a world famous chip carver honored us by displaying at this year’s show. Barry’s work is absolutely amazing.

Bob Deibert discusses name tags with Wilson Banks, another club member.

The Van Duyn’s show off Jim’s fine works.

Dave Thomas carves a rather large woodspirit face in catalpa as Bob Adam looks on.

The Tudor sisters once again with a wonderful display. Check out the Summer 2007 Edition of Woodcarving Illustrated for an article on chip carving by Linda.

Pat Boyer, another club member shows off his fine works. Pat has only been a woodcarver for a couple years but has progressed to high quality carvings in a very short time.

Whitey Hersberger shows off his talent for carving an array of different subjects. Nice display Whitey!

Mike Hartzler, club president, won best table display at this years show.

Bob Deibert talks to one of this years visitors to the show.

Gary McDonald shows us one of his fine walking sticks he carved.