The Corn Belt Carving Club held it’s second annual woodcarving show on April 27 and 28 at Eastland Mall in Bloomington IL. Pictured above is a shot of tables used for the contest.
The show was a huge success. Most of the club participated and many non club members traveled to central Illinois to show and sell their wares.
Voting for category winners and best of show was done by the public.

Richard Bryne carves incredibly intricate, ornate, and accurate blown up carvings of postage stamps. Richard brought some of his award winning works to display.
Heather Long, a local club member took best of show honors with her State of Illinois.

Bob Adam, the wood turner in our club sits with his display.

Bill McAllister displays his fine work.

Glenn Sparks talks with some show visitors about his Noah’s Ark display. It wasn’t for sale but Sparky sure had a lot of offers.

Greg Owens, an award wining decoy carver and club member works his display.

Our club vice president, Roy Hanks, demonstrated how he carves one of his specialty Christmas carvings.

Dave Thomas, club member and show chairman carves on his Indian bust during the show.

Mike Hartzler, club president stands behind his display.