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From CHIP CHATS Jan.-Feb., 1989, Page 25

Carving should be judged on seven elements and be given points on a scale equal to the percentage shown in the table at the bottom of this page. 

Creativity -- Having the power to originate or create; to bring into, or cause to come into existence; to make out of nothing (Artistic style or composition which enhances the  nature of the piece). 

Originality -- The quality of being new or novel; the ability to create or make something new; inventiveness (Newness or freshness of design).

Finish -- To complete, bring to an end, polish, the final touches given to a work (Paint, stain, polish, etc., which are the final touches given to a project).

Execution -- Performance; the act or manner of carrying anything into effect, completion (Rendition of detail, cleanness of cuts)

Complexity -- The state of being intricate or involved; something intricate (The amount of detail included in the project).

Realism -- The tendency to concern oneself with actuality or fact; the practice of presenting people or things as they are in real life without idealization (True to life).

Presentation -- The act, manner, or state of introducing, offering or bringing to consideration (Over-all effect of project on audience; environment supporting carved or detailed pieces).

The following percentages were assigned to each of the seven points.
  Abstract  Chip Caricature  Realistic Or Stylized Carving
Creativity  25%  10%  20%  25%
Originality  15% 15% 20% 10%
Finish  10% 15% 20% 10%
Execution 10%  10%  10%  25%
Complexity 10%  10%  10%  25%
Realism  10%  25% 5% 0%
Presentation 20%  15%  15% 5%
100% 100% 100% 100%

Note:  Some judges start with a total number of points equal to the percentage assigned to the category, then subtract points if need be in each category as they judge.  To assign the total score, they will total the number subtracted, then subtract that number from 100.

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